Curtis Strange Tweets Just Wrong

I did not see the playoff at the “Bob Hope” referred to Click Here with Mr. Curtis Strange commenting on the contenders’ behavior last week.

Pros need to be entertaining and fun to watch. I get that the tour players are playing for great fame and fortune. There is a lot at stake. However, the killer attitude thing doesn’t completely work for me.

I have always been a big fan of gracious professionalism. Think Trevino and Chi Chi. These two–and others from a bygone era–were less spoiled. They understood that the gallery was the reason for the luxuries they enjoy. Phil sets a great example as well, interacting and making eye contact. It’s awesome.

One of our Members is Dan Sivadge. Dan is the Golf Channel Sr. National Champion and played in the US Sr Am in 2017. He is a man eater when he is over the ball, but the most fun unselfish person in the world in between shots.

I disagree with you Curtis. There is a better way to be while you tear the other person’s heart out.

If nothing else, think about the kids in the gallery. They are impressionable and will be mimicking their heroes. Those young gallery members need to learn about proper manners. They need to see adults acting more like good sports and less like warriors filled with hate.

I would love a glance, or a nod, or a smile and to be treated to a little love from the players.  Wouldn’t you?

If kindness is your king, heaven will be yours before you meet your end.  –Dave Matthews