Madsen Golf News and Tips

What are you good at? 

I see it over and over again. Folks trying to do something they are not good at, getting frustrated and trying to figure out what they are doing wrong. Unproductive. 

Spend time strengthening your strengths. Practice by definition is succeeding repeatedly. What are you good at?


Phil, Tiger plan to donate portion of match proceeds to charity


Care of the Course     

As you know, we are making improvements for Winter. We appreciate your patience as we punch and sand for the health of the putting greens and as we overseed with rye to keep things green for you.

As always, thank you for your care of the course efforts and for helping others remember to fix extra divots and ball marks please.


Rules of Golf

Couple more Definitions from the upcoming 2019 Rules of Golf.

Let’s all get out ahead of this: Rules booklets are FREE!

Penalty Area (formerly Hazard)

  • Any body of water on the course
  • Any other part of the course the Committee defines as a Penalty Area
  • Relief with a one-stroke penalty is allowed

Relief Area

  • The area where a player must drop when taking relief
  • Dropped ball must come to rest in Relief Area